

Thank you for stopping by! I'm Helen Jeanne and two of my favorite things are creating art and making journals. I enjoy combining my interests by making journals and using them for my art, devotions, and nature study. (Each topic has it's own journal). I use a journal as part of my daily study of God's Word which I refer to as my faith journal. I have a mixed media journal that I use each day to create and explore various artistic styles. (My interests are very eclectic so I have a hard time focusing on just one style!) 

A daily habit of art and journaling can be beneficial in so many ways. I hope to use my website to share a little bit about my creative process as it grows and develops with each passing day.

I love exploring nature. My husband and I enjoy taking hikes and exploring the flora and fauna around us.  When I discovered flower seed paper, I knew it would fit in with the items I enjoy creating. Most of the cards I make are printed or created on flower seed paper that can be planted in a pot or the ground to grow flowers. I create the cards either from vintage artwork or artwork that I create myself.

I hope to share various tutorials with you each week on my blog or YouTube 

I would love for you to follow along on Instagram and Facebook!

Thank you for visiting my shop and for your support!